Tuesday, January 29, 2008

California the beautiful!!

Hi all...welcome to our blog

We started this little website to keep all of you, who know and love us, informed and up to date on our up and coming journey. As most of you know we are planning an adventure around the world (so to speak). This may sound romantic and spontaneous, but it has been in the works for over a year now. I can't remember quite how it all evolved, but I do know that it started with some inspiration from our friends Julie and Rob about 4 years ago. They shared photos and stories of their adventure across the globe and sparked an interest in the both of us. I think it started to become more of a serious conversation last winter when we were both getting an itch to do something BIG. The long road to this conclusion is still foggy in my mind. The paths of the trip have changed, but our intentions and hopes are still solid as a rock. When we bought the plane ticket in Novemeber we knew this was more than we could have hoped for. The path has been bittersweet. We never thought we would have fallen for our little neighborhood in Encinitas, but we have. Driving to work each day I see the sunrise over the mountains and at night the sunset over the water. A palate of colors more beautiful than any artist could create. The beauty of this area is intense and overwhelming. Leaving the house in Jan in a tank top and jeans is also pretty sweet!!

What will we miss you ask?? Here are some of our favorite SoCal things!
-Living walking distance to the beach
-Perfect weather everyday...yes everyday
-Our little neighborhood bars/cafes
-The Leucadian, where beer is cheap and bar games are a plenty
-Bean and Rice burritos from Kotija
-Flowers in bloom year round
-Cheap produce year round...oh and the avocados...!!! They're good in everything!
-Never turning on our heat or air conditioning.
-Never feeling like you've missed out on a perfect day when you decide to lay in bed with your pj's on, because tomorrow and the day after will be just as beautiful.
-Just living the California dream!!!